Show Me The Money…or not

I am sitting here contemplating ski holidays and the coming Oscars ceremony this weekend. But I am still not sure if I am going to watch it or look for european ski holidays on the snoman‘s and family’s ski holidays websites.

The economy as we all know is in the toilet. And although our lives must go on, with so many people out of work and worried where the next pay check is coming from, is it right that so much money is spent on an evening to stroke egoes (some of which are totally over inflated…). Who foots the bill for the Governor’s Ball? Would the money that Vanity Fair (ONE MILLION DOLLARS) is spending not be better spent elsewhere which is more philanthropic? I am not saying cancel the Oscars – good work deserves to be rewarded but I seriously think a major tone down is called for.

Would it not be refreshing to watch the Red Carpet and along comes – um, lets see – Brangelina.  Instead of Valentino she is in an original (stunning) creation from a local self employed seamstress. And him – he is in a tailored suit, hand stitched to sheer perfection, no name you would recognise now…That would be a responsible rewarding thing to do…the right thing.

But at the moment, the Oscars is showing no sign of toning it down and I am not sure I want to see all the rich people roll around in their money, when many are wondering what tomorrow might bring.

Show Me The Money...

Show Me The Money…

~ by ski holidays on February 20, 2009.

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